Saturday, November 21, 2009

Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Greenest UK City

This article on guardian website I found uplifting that an industrial city such as newcastle has made such staggering green progress 8th place in year 2007, 4th place last year and now NUMERO UNO...

However I got a little irritated when the praise for the cities development and promotion of electric cars came up. "The city has also become the electric car capital in a government-backed experiment, which will see 1,000 charging points installed in Newcastle and Gateshead over the next two years."

While reducing CO2 direct emissions through the use of cars is commendable in this apparently large-scale project, are electric cars not simply displacing CO2 emissions to the source of the electricity needed to power these cars? Creating a system that promotes the use of bicycles is much better for the environment though with the Uk weather I can understand that bicycle use is not a year round practical programs. But maybe with the redesign of a sort of carriage that could be powered by one or maybe more of the new bicycles that can reach high speeds on minimal turns is where money should be put!

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